Systems Change
Advocacy & Systems Change
ECEPTS works to support the engagement of local, state, and federal partners to create a coalition of stakeholders invested in the professional development, economic well-being, and advancement of the ECE workforce.
Additionally, we seek opportunities to maximize public and philanthropic investment in expanding ECE Apprenticeships, developing accessible academic and career pathways for the ECE workforce, and systems change to advance the economic and professional stature and sustainability of the industry.

Economic Well-Being
• Support efforts to reform California’s provider reimbursement rate system. More training and experience should mean more compensation.
• Ensure the professional development of Transitional Kindergarten teachers.

Professional Development
• Create a pathway to a bachelor’s degree that is affordable, accessible, and responsive to the needs, strengths, and challenges facing the ECE workforce.
• Support higher education initiatives, such as creation of an ECE teaching credential and revision of the California CTC’s Child Development Permit Matrix.

Public & Political Awareness
• Engage local, state, and federal partners to create a coalition of stakeholders invested in the professional development, economic well-being, and advancement of the ECE workforce.
• Seek opportunities to maximize public and philanthropic investment in apprenticeship and ECE professional development.