Shanell Brumfield is a Registered Apprenticeship Programs Director at ECEPTS. Shanell has more than 10 years of experience in technical assistance, capacity building, systems alignment, participatory facilitation, and data analysis. Her work with the Foundation for California Community Colleges, YouthBuild USA, and River Oak Center for Children supported significant initiatives focused on addressing equity and access to quality education, and work-based learning opportunities for youth and adults. Most recently, she managed a statewide community of practice consisting of workforce, education, and industry partners, aimed at expanding apprenticeship in California to nontraditional sectors such as ECE. Her commitment to ensuring that all workers can access quality jobs that provide livable, sustainable wages is evident in her involvement with the Equal Employment Opportunity Subcommittee of the CA Interagency Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship. Shanell has an M.Ed. in Gender Equity and a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies from California State University, Sacramento.
Contact Information:
Shanell Brumfield
RA Program Director