ECEPTS Apprenticeships
Early educator apprenticeship
- Alameda
- Contra Costa
- Los Angeles
- Monterey
- Riverside
- San Diego
- San Mateo
Family Child Care Apprenticeship
- Los Angeles
- Monterey
- San Bernardino
- San Jose
- Santa Clara
Home Visitor Apprenticeship
- Los Angeles
- Antelope Valley
- South East LA
Youth Apprentice in ECE Careers
- Alameda
- Los Angeles
- Antelope Valley
- San Joaquin
Early Educator ApprenticeshipÂ
Population: Unemployed parents and others; incumbent center-based and Head Start workers
Overview: Apprentices complete college coursework and paid on-the-job training to earn CA Associate Teacher Permits; AA degrees and Master Teacher Permits; BA degrees and Site Supervisor Permits.
Family Child Care Apprenticeship
Population: Licensed family childcare providers; unlicensed family, friends, and neighbors (FFN)
Overview: Designed to address the unique academic and professional needs of home-based ECE providers. Apprentices complete college coursework in ECE, and specialized training on working with dual language learners, in small business administration, and disaster preparedness.
Project Overview: FCC Apprenticeship (PDF)
Home Visitor Apprenticeship
Population: Unemployed parents and others interested in working with families
Overview: Designed to develop culturally responsive, well-trained professionals to work as community-based home visitors. Apprentices complete six college courses and paid on-the-job training in childcare, community outreach, and home visiting.
Project Overview: Home Visitor Apprenticeship (PDF)
Youth Apprentice in ECE Careers
Population: High school students and recent high school graduates
Overview: An introduction to public sector and family-focused jobs while in high school, apprentices complete four dual-credit college courses and paid on-the-job training in early education, special education, and social/human services. After graduation, the apprenticeship continues as students enter community college, culminating with an AA degree and 2,000 hours of paid on-the-job training.